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Complex Family Planning

After Termination of Pregnancy

All of the physicians at the DuPont clinic are board certified in obstetrics and gynecology as certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. All have graduated from medical school, then successfully completed four years of residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and then completed another two years of fellowship in Complex Family Planning. You can check that your physician has ABOG certification here.

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Cabergoline Studies After Pregnancy

CFP specialists work closely with other healthcarae providers to ensure coordinated and safe care. They offer a range of services, including:

  • Personalized counseling: Assessing risks and benefits of abortion and contraceptive methods based on individual needs and medical history.
  • Later abortion care: Providing expertise in termination of pregnancy after the first trimester.
  • Management of complex medical conditions: Providing abortion care and contraception in the context of pre-existing medical conditions.
  • The development of CFP as a subspecialty highlights the need for specialized care in reproductive medicine. It aims to improve access to safe and effective family planning options for individuals with complex medical conditions, ultimately enhancing their quality of life and reproductive autonomy.

    What is the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology?

    The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) is a non-profit organization that certifies obstetricians and gynecologists (OB GYNs) and offers continuing certification to OB GYNs in the United States and Canada. Board certification is a voluntary process for those physicians who choose to pursue certification. ABOG also administers board certification in five subspecialties:

    • Complex Family Planning
    • Gynecologic Oncology
    • Maternal-Fetal Medicine
    • Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
    • Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery

    As of 2023, ABOG has 37,428 active diplomates certified in OB GYN and 6,842 certified in a subspecialty. In 2023, there were roughly 500 subspecialists in Complex Family Planning.

    DuPont Abortion Clinic

    About Us

    We Are Committed to creating a private, comfortable and welcoming environment for all patients.

    Our clinic is located in a discreet office building in the heart of D.C. Your privacy is important to us, and each patient has their own private room. There are no waiting rooms and no lines, so you will likely never see another patient. We firmly believe that access to abortion is a right for all people regardless of the reason behind their decision. We offer a non-judgmental, compassionate, and supportive space for people to receive high quality care.

    For Patients

    Request Appointment

    In our clinic, we prioritize providing compassionate and confidential abortion care in a supportive environment where your comfort and dignity are paramount.

    For Providers

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    Thank you for your consideration; we truly appreciate the opportunity to collaborate for the betterment of our patients’ health. If you would like to refer a patient or discuss a potential referral, click here.

    Our Clinic

    Washington's Most Discreet Abortion Clinic

    At the DuPont Clinic, we focus on you, your needs, and your care. We strive to meet the unique needs of each patient and are committed to creating a comfortable and welcoming environment for all patients. We offer amenities such as specially trained doulas, a dedicated nursing team, aromatherapy, private consultation rooms equipped with comfortable couches, TVs, and wifi, and assistance making travel and financial arrangements.

    Your Trusted Destination for Compassionate, Confidential Abortion Care.

     Access Compassionate Abortion Care in Washington DC and Surrounding Areas. Book Your Appointment Today.